Wednesday November 2nd : Sainte-Chapelle and metro tour of Paris (Bastille, canal St-Martin, St-Germain, Opera, and Pigalle)

We took the metro (subway) to Castelet and walked to the Palais de Justice and visited
the Sainte-Chapelle
(10 minutes wait - we have the Museum Pass which has priority).
Very nice, so tall and light. A must see.

Then we went to la Place de la Bastille, had a coffee and walked along the Canal St-Martin, very nice and romantic, and back. Metro to la Place de l'Opera. 

Metro station La Bastille over the Canal Saint-Martin

Place de la Bastille, with the Colonne de Juillet. At the top is the golden Génie de la Liberté (better click on the link for a good view).

On the way, we had a peek at the Place de la République (with the Marianne on top)

Since the Auditorium was closed, we did not visit the Opera, but had a beer across the street from it.  We then took the metro to Saint-Germain-des-Prés. A rich quarter with its old abbey (sorry in French) (X and XII, that I liked very much, it is a historical transition architecture building).

On the way back to the hotel, we got out at the metro station "Bonne Nouvelle" to have a peek on the surface. Nice area, but nothing special.

Tonite, we went and ate at Pigalle.


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