Sunday 30.10 : Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine

After the Musée de l'homme we went and photographed the Eiffel tower and walked down to the Seine. Unbelievably crowdy. See more pictures of Paris at the bottom of the page.

We climb back the hill and visited the Cité de l'architecture. A big surprise : reproduction (as a mean of preservation of church fronts sculptures, model of church architecture.

Some XI preserved portail.

Notre-Dame during the revolution period.

On the second floor, modern architectural designs of buildings to live in or industrial and leisure (sports) and prized projets of sustainable architecture (still as projets, I am not sure how they will scale up).

Metro and dinner in the Marais (St-Paul). Very average food (too expensive for the quality).

Back to the hotel for dessert and last drink (20h15).


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